My son Aaron called me early yesterday and asked me if I am friends with the owner of Paradise Gardens down the street from me. Yes. Well, he said, Wanderlei Silva will be there with the mayor. Who? You know, he said, the ax murderer. No, I don't know any ax murderers named Silva, I said. Mom, he's an MMA fighter. Hmm! I said, what's that? Mixed martial arts, you know, I've told you about it. I went to a fight in Biloxi, he said. Oh, yeah, so what do you want me to do? I said. Get an autograph or an autographed photo for me because I can't leave the dealership (my son manages the Nissan dealership in Pensacola). As good as done, I said.
So this morning at 7:30, I walked Frisco past the Gardens. Lots of activity, time to get a move on. Mikela dressed quickly and we wandered over there. Mostly martial arts types, but Neil Richards of the Belmont Arts Center came through, and we talked to Freddie, who helps run the Mexican import shop on the property, until the mayor and his guest came in.
Mayor Mike Wiggins gave Wanderlei Silva the key to the city, the first Brazilian to be given this honor in any city, according to what I heard. The martial artist speaks mostly Portuguese, and his Pensacola host, martial arts instructor Alex Silva Ruas, interpreted what he said. It was a good speech, talking about knowing when to fight and when not to fight. Silva would be speaking to at-risk teens at the Methodist church at T St. and DeSoto later on, and the minister was on hand to encourage everyone to bring their kids to this event.
We didn't get in a good spot for photos at first, but Mikela worked her way to the front and took some really nice shots. Then we got in line with a Hooters can holder one of the girls gave us and figured we could get him to sign that. When Mik asked him to write To Aaron, he couldn't quite catch the spelling so he wrote Aaron's name on his palm as she spelled it. I have a picture of that moment at the top of this page.
Desi, who owns Paradise Gardens, enjoys a photo op moment with Wanderlei Silva and his wife.
Here are examples of when Wanderlei Silva fights. Dang, he's scary.
Mikela took the above video in which Wanderlei Silva credits martial arts for his success in life.