Well, the shortened version is I became addicted to figuring it all out. Some clues took me to a youtube video, some to the advertising posted on the game site. The one that really impressed me was a clue that popped up in the advertising to the right of my yahoo mail center. I never look at the stupid ad videos that slow down my mail, but this had the image and the letters I was trying to unscramble. Great scot, I thought, do they have so much control of our computers now that they know which clue I'm working on and send it to yahoo when I check my messages. No, I reasoned, it's a big contest and they know I play games, so it's a coincidence. Whatever, I was glad for the letters.
Again, cutting to the chase, I worked quite a few hours (doesn't the time fly when you're playing games?) and got down to several games of skill I just couldn't beat. One was a maze with a bunch of Hs, and you have to collect all of them. Another was a bunch of flags you have to puzzle back together. The third was several rows of deliciously looking smoothies that need to be sipped down before they spill over. Dang, I couldn't get any of them. So, like the Slumdog Millionaire, I made my one call. Naturally, it was to my 12-year-old granddaughter.
"Mikela, are you on your computer?" Yes. "Go to cluesforthecruise.com and click on No. XX." My daughter interrupted and said it was nearly time to leave for their dinner invite. "Well, just try it once and see if you think it's beatable." She called me back in three minutes and said it was done. OMG! She solved the Coke puzzle while she was telling me about the Hs. I told her to take a look at the flags. "Gotta go, Grandma. Mom insists." All right. Do it when you get back.
While she was out dining with the millionaires from Wyoming, I figured out how to beat the glasses. I stopped reasoning on which one to click on to empty and clicked my mouse like a maniac without a brain.
I got a call at 9. It was from my son. He was trading in one boat for a bigger one with beds and a cabin I could sit in to get away from the sprays of water. It was big enough now he could go cobia fishing in the gulf with it. Did the sweeps time this call, too, so that I would be lured into an adventure in the sea? As the contest states, "Why not?"
At midnight, I got a call from my granddaughter. She solved the last square! Wow. I had tried to beat that puzzle all evening without success. "So, Grandma," she asked, "what can we win?" "I'm not too sure," I said, but mostly cruises to the Caribbean and Mexico. There's also one to Alaska, but if we win that one, I'm not going. I can't imagine being around glaciers." "Me either," she said, even though she lives in the heart of Colorado ski country. Goodnight, and great job.