I tried squidoo and have yet to have a visitor to the web site. Because I've owned the house since 1991, I have always been fascinated by its history. Dr. Robert W. Hargis was the president of the Escambia County, Florida, Board of Health. He posted the quarantine rules for yellow fever in the April 20, 1889 issue of "The Pensacola Daily News." His father, Dr. Robert B.S. Hargis, was also active in battling the yellow fever epidemics that plagued the Gulf Coast. Click on the title to see my squidoo blog.
In 1860 census, the young Robert W. was living at home with his parents on Romana Street on the site where the Pensacola News Journal stands today.
In the 1870 census, Robert W. is listed twice, once on page 30 with his father and $200 in real estate and then on p. 65 as head of household with 10 seamen plus servants and 2 laborers - and $3500 in real estate. Question is: Could he have built my house in 1870 and used it as a hospital? He owned or ran several during his lifetime.

PHOTO: Dr. Robert B.S. Hargis
Here's the 1870 census page with his father:
Dwelling 206 (Romana Street)
Hargis Robt BS 50 M W Physician $500 NC
Hargis Modeste 30 F W Keeping house $3,500 Fla
Hargis Marcie B 72 F W VA
Hargis Ann A 48 F W NC
Hargis R. W. 22 M W Pharmacist $200 Ala
Hargis Marion P 13 F W Ala
Hargis P Mary 6 F W Ala
Hargis Kate F 4 F W Fla
Hargis J C Whit(n)ey 9/12 M W Fla
This is the other census page: Dwelling 476:
Robt W. Hargis age 23
The following were seamen in the same dwelling:
Ann's note: Most of these do not appear in the 1885 and 1893 directory.
John Morgan KY age 33
Thomas Durant MS age 22
Frank Comerson/Cowerson MD age 39
James Railey England age 82 England
R Alexander age 79 AL
Charles French age 35 Ireland
Harry Hamblett age 37 England
George Moore age 33 FL
William Clarke/Starke age 42 LA Ann's note: 1885 directory: Clarke William D. . carpenter h Gregory n Cevallos)
John Lewis age 38 Germany Ann's note: 1893 directory Lewis John B. baker h 124 W Intendencia
Elizabeth Nicholson age 32 Black Cook AL
Viney Nicholson age 16 Black Servant
Fran/May Nicholson age 2 Black Servant
Hary?Nicholson age 48 Black Laborer
Eugene Horton age 22 Black Laborer Ann's note: relatives in 1893 directory?
In the 1880 census, the Hargis family is living with Merced's Bonifay brothers, as they did for many years on West Gregory St., although the location in the census margin says West Garden Street.
Household Members: Name Age
R. W. Hargis 32
Merced Hargis 31
R. B. Hargis 5
Irene Hargis 4
Petronilla Hargis 2
Merced Hargis 4M
Olena Demouy 14 servant
Geo. Bonifay 33
Manuel Bonifay 25
Peter Bonifay 22
What's interesting is that Royal Putnam is the next person on the census page, and he lived at Spring and Chase and definitely not West Garden as indicated in the margin.
In fact, if you look at the margins on all 32 pages of this district, there are only a few streets actually named: North Palafox, North Baylen, North Spring and then West Romana, West Garden, West Chase and then many pages labeled Wright Street. It appears this district runs down what is now considered South Palafox (below Cervantes down to the wharf) and west almost to A Street, with Coyle being mentioned as the westernmost street. Around 1880, this section was known as West Hill, and includes the Belmont DeVilliers neighborhood.
To help relocate the addresses of these families in this District 45, I've incorporated where possible the addresses and information found in the 1885 Pensacola business directory. Some people have moved and some have died in the intervening five years. One the first page of the census it describes this section as embracing the 4th ward, 2nd election precinct of the city. The symbol * in the 1885 directory is used to indicate people of color. I left this to show the great mix of races in this part of the city as well as to help any family researchers who come across this post. My system improved as I moved through the pages. I will clean this up if this is deemed an important contribution by anyone. I find that the more ways I come at a problem, the more I'm inclined to find the solution. Unfortunately, I have not proven beyond a doubt that R.W. Hargis built the house in 1890, only that he lived there. Based on the research below, my best guess is that if the house was already built when he moved in, more than likely it was occupied by Peter and Gila Gonzalez, who both passed away in 1881. The property was sold by their son M.F. Gonzalez to R.W.'s brother-in-law, George Bonifay, who then sold it for $1 to his sister. Here is a summary of key deeds:
March 11, 1890. To George Bonifay from W.E. Plummer. Block 3 Belmont. 8 157
Ann’s note: 1893 Directory: William Plummer. machinist home 215 N Reus. A Victorian house remains on that property. 1885 directory: Plummer William * machinist h Reus n Gregory. That means George Bonifay bought a house on this lot in 1890, not just a lot.
March 19, 1890. To George Bonifay from M.F. Gonzalez 8 194 Block 3 Belmont. $1,000.
1890. Deed to Hugh B. Hatton from George Bonifay. 8 489 on Gregory Street.
Ann’s note: 1893 Directory: Hatton Hugh B . clothing, custom tailor, gents' furnishings, hats, shoes, etc home 402 W Gregory 41-43 S Palafox
Hatton P Frank. Clerk. Home 226 N Reus corner Wright (this lot does not touch 402 West Gregory).
Another note: Jotted from March 17, 1889 newspaper item: Hugh Hatton, father of Hugh B. Hatton of this city, died at Warrington. The deceased was born in Ireland in 1817, a resident 40 years, 25 years as a merchant. Eldest son John. P.F. Hatton also a son. M.F. O’Brien.
July 2, 1890. Book 8 p. 521. THIS IS DEFINITELY 412 WEST GREGORY. To Merced B. Hargis from George Bonifay. $1 plus natural love and affection. North line of Maxent tract 124 at right angle and northward from Reus in Block No. 3 of Belmont, thence southward along west line to lot belonging to Hugh B. Hatton 90.75 feet to Hugh B. Hatton’s southwest corner on Gregory Street (124 feet) westward (together with tenements and appurtances). Signed June 30, 1890.
Page 1. North Palafox 10 households incl.
Cody Fanny, Mrs. 1885: home on Gregory near Alcaniz;
Santo Corigrano . 1885: clerk h Intendencia c Baylen;
Soderlind Charles . merchant tailor h outside city limits business at 24 Palafox;
Edmunds George * servant/laborer h Gregory n Coyle;
Wyer Joseph, Mrs. * bakery and confectionery h Palafox n Post-office;
Kahn Jacob, clothing and gents' furnishings h Chase n Palafox business Palafox c Zarragossa;
Stone Phineas, clothing, hats, trunks and gents' furnishing goods h Palafox n Chase business Palafox n Government;
Criglar, William L., lumber merchant h Government facing Seville sq;
Page 2. North Palafox 9 households incl
Bell John W. . (Bell & Bell) h Palafox cor La Rua Palafox Wharf
Jordan Robert J. . bookkeeper h Barcelona n Wright .
Taylor Emma H. . widow h Palafox n Belmont . (husband L.B. Taylor, book agent)
Emanuel Catherine . widow h Belmont cor Palafox .
Herron James S. . M.D. h Palafox n Belmont, plus his mother Fanny M. Herron and siblings.
Page 3. North Palafox 5 households North Baylen 5 households incl
Blount Alexander C. . atty-at-law h Palafox n Belmont .
Reese George . tax assessor h Baylen cor Jackson .
Flinn/Flynn James M. . captain h Baylen n La Rua .
Thomas James W. * barber h Coyle n Gregory Palafox n Wharf
Dawson Frank * laborer h Baylen cor Belmont .
Larkin Kate * . h Baylen ab Wright .
Larkin Richard * waiter h Wright n Coyle
Raucher Julia in census, but not in 1885 directory (see Rauscher below)
Nash Francis . mcht. tailor h Baylen n Garden .
Frohlichstein Nathan . cigar mfr h Intendencia n Palafox .
Page 4 North Baylen (not written) 11 households incl
Jacoby Joseph M. . clerk P. Stone b Palafox n Garden .
Watson Thomas * laborer h Baylen n Romana .
(alternatively) Watson Thomas C. . real estate and collecting agent h Gregory near and E of Palafox Government next City Hotel opp Pub sq
Lewis John B. * clerk h Government n Baylen
Jackson William * drayman h Baylen cor La Rua .
(Alternatively) Jackson William * laborer h Zarragossa n Baylen .
Cole Ellen * widow of laborer William in 1885, h Baylen n Intendencia .
Butterfield John * painter h Jackson n Reus .
Scott J. Jackson, D.D., L.L.D. . Rector Christ's Church h Baylen cor Garden .
Page 5. North Baylen 4 households North Spring 5 households incl
Smith Margaret * restaurant h Zarragossa cor Commendencia; also in 1885: Ditmars Agnes . widow h Zarragossa n Barcelona . Margaret was the daughter of Sarah Ditmars.
Rauscher Henry . saloon and summer garden h Baylen bet Zarragossa and Government Baylen bet Zarragossa and Government; also Rauscher Mary, Mrs. . . . Wright c Baylen .
Harvey March * expressman h Tarragona beyond gas house .
Cottrell Julius (was in March household in 1880) * laborer h De Villiers cor La Rua .
Goldbach Samuel M. grocer and dry goods h Spring n Belmont; also Goldbach Milton . groceries (in same household, son of S.M., in 1880). h foot 10th ave n saw mill
Sellars Lewis H. . ice h Spring n Wright . also daughter Louise age 11 in 1880 house: Is she related to: Sellars Louis H. in 1885. Tres. Pensacola Ice Co. h 8th Ice House Wharf
McVoy Thomas . . h Spring c Wright . Three Hernandez brothers-in-law living in same house: Herrell (Heroldo), Willie and Reuben
Williams Henry H. * carpenter h Belmont cor Coyle .
Page 6. North Spring 7 households total page incl
Everett Nathan L. . engineer h 11th ave cor Garden . (moved by 1885)
Oneal Chester . clerk h Spring n Romana . also in household: Oneal (George H.) Chaffin (James A.) & Co. . . timber and lumber h Spring n Romana Palafox Wharf
Oneal William R. . clerk h Spring n Romana . Children of New York merchant G.L. and Rachel Oneal
Jolly George (jr) father deceased by 1885 . . h Spring n Garden . also: Jolly Josephine, Miss . dressmaker h Spring n Garden . Jolly Sarah . widow of Maryland merchant George Jolly; h Spring n Garden .
Thomas Virgil * . h Reus n Belmont .
Carr Thomas * cook h Spring cor Garden .
Leary Eliza * laundress h Spring n Garden .
Jackson John R (wife Eliza) * carpenter h Garden n Spring .
Page 7. North Spring 9 households incl
Smith Betty * widow h Government n Alcaniz .
McVoy La Barron . conductor L.& N. R.R. h 1st n 8th ave . moved
Roche Myra C. G. . widow h Baylen n Government . could be Catherine, wife of Joseph Roche in 1880. Nephew Henry Roche and sister Charlotte Roche also live here in 1880 (missing in 1885)and brother-in-law Faust Maura.
Merritt John * laborer h 9th ave n 2d .
Merritt John A. . inspector b Jackson c Spring .
Merritt Erastus B. . (L. M. Merritt & Co.) b Gadsden c Baylen Government opp Public Square
Merritt Lucius M. . Vice-Consul Argentine Republic and (L. M. Merritt & Co.) ship brokers, timber and lumber merchants originally from Massachusetts; h Gadsden c Baylen Government opp Public Square
Merritt Lucius M., Jr. . (L. M. Merritt & Co.) b Gadsden c Baylen Government opp Public Square
McGaughy John R. . Canadian bookkeeper h Spring c Gadsden .
Baars (Henry) & Downing (Elisha) . . Bremen lumber and timber h Spring cor La Rua Palafox Wharf
Page 8. West Romana 10 households incl
Douglas Parker * gardener h Romana n Palafox .
Riera Albert . (Riera Bros.) h Romana n Baylen Palafox opp Pub sq (not listed in 1880 census, only Anthony's family); Riera Anthony . (Riera Bros.) h Romana n Baylen Palafox opp Pub sq Riera Bros. (Anthony and Albert) . billiards . Palafox opp Pub sq (up stairs) .
Ramirez Aniese * widow h Baylen n Intendencia . Mother Saline Savage
Burke Mary A. . widow in 1885 of Irish laborer Thomas Burke in 1880 census h west end Intendencia .
Hyer William K. . (Hyer Bros.) Father bavaria, mother bohemia, but he was born in Florida. h Wright cor Barcelona business at Zarragossa, 1st door from Palafox
Whiting Clara R. . widow of Virginia physician J.C. Whiting h Spring cor Jackson .
Whiting J. Thornton son bookkeeper b Spring cor Jackson .
Page 9. West Garden 6 households (Hargis, Bonifays)incl
Sarah and Juliet Hyer, J.C. Whiting's sisters-in-law
Knowles Peter, Whiting's brother-in-law, and a real estate agent
Thornton Henry H. . commission h Barcelona n Belmont . Laura Thornton, his mother, is deceased by 1885. She might have also been a sister of William K. Hyer, since she was born in Florida, had a Bavarian father and Bohemian mother.
Knowles Louis P. . President Merchants' Bank of Pensacola and Insurance and (Knowles Brothers) real estate agents h Barcelona n Belmont Government cor Palafox; Government near Palafox; also in household is Knowles William H. . Vice-President Merchants' Bank of Pensacola and (Knowles Bros.) h Belmont n Barcelona . In 1880, they are listed as nephews of JC Whiting. Louis is 31 and WH 28 in 1880.
Hyer Albert . (Hyer Bros.) h Belmont cor Barcelona Zarragossa, 1st door from Palafox
Abercrombie James E. . timber h Jackson cor Spring . Mother is Sarah Abercrombie in 1880 census. He is 26 in the census, with several siblings in the house.
Bonifay George . dry goods and gents' furnishing goods . Palafox n Romana .
Hargis RW - not listed with address in 1885
Putnam Royal . inspector custom house h Spring n Chase .
Page 10. West Garden 8 households incl
McGovern Edward . stevedore h Zarragossa n Barcelona .
Hendricks Dietrich . laborer h Barcelona n Zarragossa . Nellie Hendricks is listed as Edward McGovern's sister-in-law and is in his household in 1880.
Oliver Anais . widow of Portuguese pilot LA Oliver, who is age 37 in 1880 census, h Garden n Palafox . Her sister is M.S. Jackson. Probably 15 West Garden
James G. Gonzalez, age 40, is lister as his "brother" (brother is law, maybe?). Gonzalez James G. . policeman h Garden n Palafox .
Nephew is Willie Hall. hall William J. . clerk h Romana n Barcelona .
T Wentworth, painter from Prussia, is next - can't find him in 1885 directory.
McNeil General * laborer h Intendencia n Barcelona .
Harman Flay / Flavius * laborer h Main cor Alcaniz .
Davis Lee M. . Grocer (Johnson & Davis) . Palafox cor Intendencia .
Goldstucker Otto . liquors h Chase n Baylen 18 Palafox
Goldstucker (Otto) & Borelli (John S.) . . bar room and billiards . 20 Palafox .
Note: Here is the obit of James G. Gonzalez, who lived at 15 W. Garden in 1880:
Gonzalez, James G.
Dec 1838 - Mar 17, 1901
Daily News, Mon., Mar 18, 1901
James G. Gonzalez is Dead
Death has claimed another of Pensacola's aged citizens. James G. Gonzalez, a native of this city, a gallant Confederate soldier, has been called to his final reward. The funeral will take place from St. Joseph's church at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon. The cortege will leave the residence of Mrs. A. S. Oliver, 15 West Garden street at 4 o'clock. In his younger days, Mr. Gonzalez was employed as a ship carpenter at the Pensacola navy yard and he had held many places of honor and trust in this city. He was a gallant Confederate soldier, having been shot through the lung in the service of his country, his health having been broken by the injury, leaving him but a wreck of his former giant strength. He leaves many loving relatives to mourn his demise and every man who knew him was his friend. He had passed the three score mark in life's journey and it was always a rare treat to hear him talk of the Pensacola of long ago.
Page 11. West Chase Street 7 households (Gonzalez families) incl
Goldstuker Adolph . leather and shoe findings h Baylen c Chase Palafox n Main
Grant Alexander . captain h Chase cor Spring .
92 Gonzalez Peter age 70 and Wife Gila/Eulalie age 64 (he's missing in 1885 directory); He died March 11, 1881. She died 8 months later on Nov. 21, 1881. They are buried in St. Michael's Cemetery.
Kuester Paul F., age 30 in 1880, a bookkeeper h Gregory bey De Villiers in 1885 and married to Emily, Peter's daughter, and their son Leo are in this first household.
93 Gonzalez Samuel J. . (Peter's son) grocer h Gregory cor De Villiers Business: Gregory cor Barcelona Wife Florence and their son Albert are in this household.
94 Gonzalez, J.B. wife Emilia and children Winters, Gila, Blake and Erick.
Note: Son Blake lived at 214 N. DeVilliers when he died in 1952.
95. Gonzalez C.H., wife S.J., son C.H. Jr., son Gamaliel F. and daughter Mary E. This could be Celestino.
96. Gonzalez Mannie F. . miller h De Villiers cor Wright . Peter's son lived at 226 N. DeVilliers when he died in 1907 - see obit at end of this section. M.F. Gonzalez married Kate Chapman. In 1880, he had William, Viva, Blanche and Kate in the household.
97. Gonzalex Lambert and Laura, plus toddlers Stella and Marie.
Gonzalez, Manuel F.
Dec 18, 1839 - Mar 6, 1907
#1 Pensacola Journal, Thurs, Mar 7, 1907
Prominent Citizen Has Passed to Great Beyond. M. F. Gonzalez Dies at Home After a Lingering Illness. Had Been In Ill Health For A Year Or More, But Taken Seriously Ill About A Week Ago - Funeral Will Occur To-Morrow Morning.
M. F. Gonzalez, one of the oldest most popular and successful business men of the city, died yesterday morning at 9:45 o'clock at the family home, No. 226 North De Villier street. He had been in ill health about a year or since he suffered an attack of pneumonia, from which he never fully recovered, but his condition did not become serious until about a week since. The deceased had many friends in Pensacola. While his charities were unknown to the public in general he assisted in a quiet and assuming manner many of the poor families of the city. He always had a kind word for the needy and no worthy person ever asked for assistance from him, but they met with a ready response. He was a devout Christian, and always attended services at St. Michael's church. Mr. Gonzalez was born in Pensacola and spent most of his life of 69 years in this city. He became prominent in business circles many years ago, and throughout his life held the confidence and esteem of the entire public. He was a member of one of the oldest and most prominent families of the city, and leaves many relatives and friends to mourn his death. His sons are Chapman, William R., Charlie F. and Dixon B. Gonzalez, and daughters Mrs. Wm. D. Greenwood of Mobile; Mrs. Harry Sheppard and Mrs. W. D. Howe, of this city. He also leaves a number of brothers and sisters, as follows: Blake J., Celestino H., Lambert X., Samuel J., and O. A. Gonzalez, Mrs. Mary Louise Kendrick, of Baldwin county, Ala.; Mrs. Eulalie Bobe, Mrs. Emil Kuester, of this city, and Mrs. Merced D. Greenwood, of Bohemia.
The remains of the deceased will be placed at rest to-morrow morning, the funeral cortege leaving the family home at 9 o'clock and proceeding to St. Michael's church, where requiem mass will be said. The remains will be placed at rest in the family plot in St. Michael's cemetery. The following personal friends of the deceased will act as pall bearers and are requested to meet at the family home at 8:30 a.m.; W. K. Hyer, Jr., Wm. H. Knowles, F. C. Brent, W. A. Blount, Geo. W. Wright & Jas. McVoy, the latter of Cantonment.
#2 Pensacola Journal, Sat., Mar 9, 1907
Funeral of M. F. Gonzalez. Many Were Present to Pay Their Last Sad Tribute of Respect to Deceased.
The remains of M. F. Gonzalez, one of the most widely known and highly respected citizens of Pensacola, were placed at rest yesterday morning in the family burying ground in St. Michael's cemetery. The funeral services were conducted at St. Michael's church, where requiem mass, was said. The spacious church was filled with the hundreds of friends of the deceased , who listened to the eulogy upon the life of the deceased delivered by Rev. Father Fullerton. When the funeral cortege moved to the cemetery many followed the remains to the last resting place, and the floral offerings were many and beautiful. Many in Pensacola regret the death of Mr. Gonzalez, who was an exemplary citizen and a man who during his entire life lived a true Christian life.
Page 12. West Chase Street 11 households (incl James N. Moreno, Dorrs of 323 West Gregory St)
98 Moreno James and wife Clara (nee Dorr), plus sons Edwin, Scarrett and Mansfield, plus daughters Ruth and Violet. Also in the house at 323 West Gregory St. is Sarah Dorr, mother-in-law.
99. S.Z. Gonzalez with H.A., his wife. They live next door at 313 West Gregory.
100. Putnam E.H. Edward), retired merchant wife F.N. and 19-year-old son R.H., a printer. A Pensacola map shows he had a dairy at 401 West Gregory, at the corner of Reus. Called Gulf City Dairy.
101. Ahrens Robert, a shoemaker, and Josephine, his wife. Plus 5 kids and her mother, Emma Laus (?).
102. Gonzalez James, a retired merchant, age 65, and wife Fannie living with nephew Gregory Yniestra (age 10, son of sister Eulalie and Peter.) If he is actually S.J. Gonzalez, then he's a grocer living on Gregory corner De Villiers with grocery on Gregory corner Barcelona
103 Plummer Solomon, wife Sarah and daughters Roxanna and Sarah Ann.
104 Plummer Alex, son of Solomon, wife Mary and their two children Mary A. and James Thomas. The 1885 directory has this:
Plummer Solomon * laborer h Gadsden n Reus . (moved)
Plummer William * machinist h Reus n Gregory .
105 Weatherford Henry, * laborer / line rep, with wife Louisa and 6 kids. Home in 1885 listed at Spring near Gregory
106 Townsend Scott * wife Lucy son William 1885: laborer h Belmont n Reus .
107 Milton Thad, * shoemaker, wife Elizabeth, children Caroline and Warran. 1885: Milton Thaddeus h Reus c La Rua .
108 Judge Anthony * wife Maria laborer h Gregory bey Coyle .
Page 13. Wright Street (West Gregory skipped over?) 8 households
108 Gibson Benj * and Melissa family; 4 kids and father Jack Gibson
109 Wright George W and M.E. family; 7 children, mother in law W.B. Baglery, 1885: Wright George W. . manufacturer and shipper of yellow pine and cypress lumber and timber, and cypress shingles and laths h Baylen c Gregory east end Intendencia and foot 10th ave
110 Sullivan M.H., wife Kate, 4 kids. 1885: Sullivan Martin H. . Pres. First National Bank, timber and lumber h Gregory c Baylen Sullivan's Wharf
111 Avery O.M., judge county court, wife M.E. and daughter Annie 1885: Avery Martha E., Mrs. . . h Baylen cor Gadsden .
112 Ruby V, wife Merced, 5 kids, one grandson Ruby 1885: Ruby Valarie * grocer h Romana c Baylen business Romana c Baylen
113 Hafler Charles, wife Missouri, 5 kids. Hotel keeper, not in 1885 directory
114 Epping Carl C. age 60, wife S.E., son J.E., his wife and child, 2 other sons C.A. and J.A. Timber merchant - not in 1885 directory.
Page 14. Wright Street (not written) 12 households
115 De la Rua, John, age 37 wife Mattie kids Elwood and Philo. De la Rua John . Deputy Co. Clerk h Gregory n Tarragona . De la Rua Filomeno E. . Clerk Escambia Co. Circuit Court h Gregory n Tarragona Court House
116 Strout Albion wife Addie daughter Irene E.
117 Tarble J.M. wife Sarah A and son Jno E 1885: Tarble John M. . collector of customs h Belmont n Palafox Palafox cor Government
118 Shepard James, wife Christina, sons Charles, John, Eddie dau Annie and Lavonia 1885: Sheppard James . engineer h Gregory cor Reus
119 D'Alemberte A.H., age 22, wife C.A., age 20, 1885: D'Alemberte Arthur H. . dry goods h Gregory n De Villiers
120 Benjamin M. wife Ida son Anderson, one other son?, mother Emily
121 Lucas Nassau, wife Elizabeth, 4 kids
122 Gaskins Frank, wife Emeline dau Emma and Melanie? 1885: Gaskins Caroline * widow h De Villiers cor La Rua .
123 Burton S, wife Rhoda, 3 sons and nephew William
124 Seikauf U. wife Mary dau Lizzie
125 Hill Chas wife Virginia, dau Julia, dau Bella McNair and 2 grandsons 1885: Hill Charles * carpenter h Gregory n Coyle .
TO BE CONTINUED if for some reason a lot of people ask for more! Obviously, these are not all Wright Street.
15. Wright Street (not written) 14 households
16. Wright Street (not written) 9 households Thomas Sunday (lived at Coyle and Wright)
17. Wright Street (not written) 11 households
18. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
19. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
20. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
21. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
22. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
23. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
24. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
25. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
26. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
27. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
28. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
29. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
30. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
31. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
32. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
In 1860 census, the young Robert W. was living at home with his parents on Romana Street on the site where the Pensacola News Journal stands today.
In the 1870 census, Robert W. is listed twice, once on page 30 with his father and $200 in real estate and then on p. 65 as head of household with 10 seamen plus servants and 2 laborers - and $3500 in real estate. Question is: Could he have built my house in 1870 and used it as a hospital? He owned or ran several during his lifetime.

PHOTO: Dr. Robert B.S. Hargis
Here's the 1870 census page with his father:
Dwelling 206 (Romana Street)
Hargis Robt BS 50 M W Physician $500 NC
Hargis Modeste 30 F W Keeping house $3,500 Fla
Hargis Marcie B 72 F W VA
Hargis Ann A 48 F W NC
Hargis R. W. 22 M W Pharmacist $200 Ala
Hargis Marion P 13 F W Ala
Hargis P Mary 6 F W Ala
Hargis Kate F 4 F W Fla
Hargis J C Whit(n)ey 9/12 M W Fla
This is the other census page: Dwelling 476:
Robt W. Hargis age 23
The following were seamen in the same dwelling:
Ann's note: Most of these do not appear in the 1885 and 1893 directory.
John Morgan KY age 33
Thomas Durant MS age 22
Frank Comerson/Cowerson MD age 39
James Railey England age 82 England
R Alexander age 79 AL
Charles French age 35 Ireland
Harry Hamblett age 37 England
George Moore age 33 FL
William Clarke/Starke age 42 LA Ann's note: 1885 directory: Clarke William D. . carpenter h Gregory n Cevallos)
John Lewis age 38 Germany Ann's note: 1893 directory Lewis John B. baker h 124 W Intendencia
Elizabeth Nicholson age 32 Black Cook AL
Viney Nicholson age 16 Black Servant
Fran/May Nicholson age 2 Black Servant
Hary?Nicholson age 48 Black Laborer
Eugene Horton age 22 Black Laborer Ann's note: relatives in 1893 directory?
In the 1880 census, the Hargis family is living with Merced's Bonifay brothers, as they did for many years on West Gregory St., although the location in the census margin says West Garden Street.
Household Members: Name Age
R. W. Hargis 32
Merced Hargis 31
R. B. Hargis 5
Irene Hargis 4
Petronilla Hargis 2
Merced Hargis 4M
Olena Demouy 14 servant
Geo. Bonifay 33
Manuel Bonifay 25
Peter Bonifay 22
What's interesting is that Royal Putnam is the next person on the census page, and he lived at Spring and Chase and definitely not West Garden as indicated in the margin.
In fact, if you look at the margins on all 32 pages of this district, there are only a few streets actually named: North Palafox, North Baylen, North Spring and then West Romana, West Garden, West Chase and then many pages labeled Wright Street. It appears this district runs down what is now considered South Palafox (below Cervantes down to the wharf) and west almost to A Street, with Coyle being mentioned as the westernmost street. Around 1880, this section was known as West Hill, and includes the Belmont DeVilliers neighborhood.
To help relocate the addresses of these families in this District 45, I've incorporated where possible the addresses and information found in the 1885 Pensacola business directory. Some people have moved and some have died in the intervening five years. One the first page of the census it describes this section as embracing the 4th ward, 2nd election precinct of the city. The symbol * in the 1885 directory is used to indicate people of color. I left this to show the great mix of races in this part of the city as well as to help any family researchers who come across this post. My system improved as I moved through the pages. I will clean this up if this is deemed an important contribution by anyone. I find that the more ways I come at a problem, the more I'm inclined to find the solution. Unfortunately, I have not proven beyond a doubt that R.W. Hargis built the house in 1890, only that he lived there. Based on the research below, my best guess is that if the house was already built when he moved in, more than likely it was occupied by Peter and Gila Gonzalez, who both passed away in 1881. The property was sold by their son M.F. Gonzalez to R.W.'s brother-in-law, George Bonifay, who then sold it for $1 to his sister. Here is a summary of key deeds:
March 11, 1890. To George Bonifay from W.E. Plummer. Block 3 Belmont. 8 157
Ann’s note: 1893 Directory: William Plummer. machinist home 215 N Reus. A Victorian house remains on that property. 1885 directory: Plummer William * machinist h Reus n Gregory. That means George Bonifay bought a house on this lot in 1890, not just a lot.
March 19, 1890. To George Bonifay from M.F. Gonzalez 8 194 Block 3 Belmont. $1,000.
1890. Deed to Hugh B. Hatton from George Bonifay. 8 489 on Gregory Street.
Ann’s note: 1893 Directory: Hatton Hugh B . clothing, custom tailor, gents' furnishings, hats, shoes, etc home 402 W Gregory 41-43 S Palafox
Hatton P Frank. Clerk. Home 226 N Reus corner Wright (this lot does not touch 402 West Gregory).
Another note: Jotted from March 17, 1889 newspaper item: Hugh Hatton, father of Hugh B. Hatton of this city, died at Warrington. The deceased was born in Ireland in 1817, a resident 40 years, 25 years as a merchant. Eldest son John. P.F. Hatton also a son. M.F. O’Brien.
July 2, 1890. Book 8 p. 521. THIS IS DEFINITELY 412 WEST GREGORY. To Merced B. Hargis from George Bonifay. $1 plus natural love and affection. North line of Maxent tract 124 at right angle and northward from Reus in Block No. 3 of Belmont, thence southward along west line to lot belonging to Hugh B. Hatton 90.75 feet to Hugh B. Hatton’s southwest corner on Gregory Street (124 feet) westward (together with tenements and appurtances). Signed June 30, 1890.
Page 1. North Palafox 10 households incl.
Cody Fanny, Mrs. 1885: home on Gregory near Alcaniz;
Santo Corigrano . 1885: clerk h Intendencia c Baylen;
Soderlind Charles . merchant tailor h outside city limits business at 24 Palafox;
Edmunds George * servant/laborer h Gregory n Coyle;
Wyer Joseph, Mrs. * bakery and confectionery h Palafox n Post-office;
Kahn Jacob, clothing and gents' furnishings h Chase n Palafox business Palafox c Zarragossa;
Stone Phineas, clothing, hats, trunks and gents' furnishing goods h Palafox n Chase business Palafox n Government;
Criglar, William L., lumber merchant h Government facing Seville sq;
Page 2. North Palafox 9 households incl
Bell John W. . (Bell & Bell) h Palafox cor La Rua Palafox Wharf
Jordan Robert J. . bookkeeper h Barcelona n Wright .
Taylor Emma H. . widow h Palafox n Belmont . (husband L.B. Taylor, book agent)
Emanuel Catherine . widow h Belmont cor Palafox .
Herron James S. . M.D. h Palafox n Belmont, plus his mother Fanny M. Herron and siblings.
Page 3. North Palafox 5 households North Baylen 5 households incl
Blount Alexander C. . atty-at-law h Palafox n Belmont .
Reese George . tax assessor h Baylen cor Jackson .
Flinn/Flynn James M. . captain h Baylen n La Rua .
Thomas James W. * barber h Coyle n Gregory Palafox n Wharf
Dawson Frank * laborer h Baylen cor Belmont .
Larkin Kate * . h Baylen ab Wright .
Larkin Richard * waiter h Wright n Coyle
Raucher Julia in census, but not in 1885 directory (see Rauscher below)
Nash Francis . mcht. tailor h Baylen n Garden .
Frohlichstein Nathan . cigar mfr h Intendencia n Palafox .
Page 4 North Baylen (not written) 11 households incl
Jacoby Joseph M. . clerk P. Stone b Palafox n Garden .
Watson Thomas * laborer h Baylen n Romana .
(alternatively) Watson Thomas C. . real estate and collecting agent h Gregory near and E of Palafox Government next City Hotel opp Pub sq
Lewis John B. * clerk h Government n Baylen
Jackson William * drayman h Baylen cor La Rua .
(Alternatively) Jackson William * laborer h Zarragossa n Baylen .
Cole Ellen * widow of laborer William in 1885, h Baylen n Intendencia .
Butterfield John * painter h Jackson n Reus .
Scott J. Jackson, D.D., L.L.D. . Rector Christ's Church h Baylen cor Garden .
Page 5. North Baylen 4 households North Spring 5 households incl
Smith Margaret * restaurant h Zarragossa cor Commendencia; also in 1885: Ditmars Agnes . widow h Zarragossa n Barcelona . Margaret was the daughter of Sarah Ditmars.
Rauscher Henry . saloon and summer garden h Baylen bet Zarragossa and Government Baylen bet Zarragossa and Government; also Rauscher Mary, Mrs. . . . Wright c Baylen .
Harvey March * expressman h Tarragona beyond gas house .
Cottrell Julius (was in March household in 1880) * laborer h De Villiers cor La Rua .
Goldbach Samuel M. grocer and dry goods h Spring n Belmont; also Goldbach Milton . groceries (in same household, son of S.M., in 1880). h foot 10th ave n saw mill
Sellars Lewis H. . ice h Spring n Wright . also daughter Louise age 11 in 1880 house: Is she related to: Sellars Louis H. in 1885. Tres. Pensacola Ice Co. h 8th Ice House Wharf
McVoy Thomas . . h Spring c Wright . Three Hernandez brothers-in-law living in same house: Herrell (Heroldo), Willie and Reuben
Williams Henry H. * carpenter h Belmont cor Coyle .
Page 6. North Spring 7 households total page incl
Everett Nathan L. . engineer h 11th ave cor Garden . (moved by 1885)
Oneal Chester . clerk h Spring n Romana . also in household: Oneal (George H.) Chaffin (James A.) & Co. . . timber and lumber h Spring n Romana Palafox Wharf
Oneal William R. . clerk h Spring n Romana . Children of New York merchant G.L. and Rachel Oneal
Jolly George (jr) father deceased by 1885 . . h Spring n Garden . also: Jolly Josephine, Miss . dressmaker h Spring n Garden . Jolly Sarah . widow of Maryland merchant George Jolly; h Spring n Garden .
Thomas Virgil * . h Reus n Belmont .
Carr Thomas * cook h Spring cor Garden .
Leary Eliza * laundress h Spring n Garden .
Jackson John R (wife Eliza) * carpenter h Garden n Spring .
Page 7. North Spring 9 households incl
Smith Betty * widow h Government n Alcaniz .
McVoy La Barron . conductor L.& N. R.R. h 1st n 8th ave . moved
Roche Myra C. G. . widow h Baylen n Government . could be Catherine, wife of Joseph Roche in 1880. Nephew Henry Roche and sister Charlotte Roche also live here in 1880 (missing in 1885)and brother-in-law Faust Maura.
Merritt John * laborer h 9th ave n 2d .
Merritt John A. . inspector b Jackson c Spring .
Merritt Erastus B. . (L. M. Merritt & Co.) b Gadsden c Baylen Government opp Public Square
Merritt Lucius M. . Vice-Consul Argentine Republic and (L. M. Merritt & Co.) ship brokers, timber and lumber merchants originally from Massachusetts; h Gadsden c Baylen Government opp Public Square
Merritt Lucius M., Jr. . (L. M. Merritt & Co.) b Gadsden c Baylen Government opp Public Square
McGaughy John R. . Canadian bookkeeper h Spring c Gadsden .
Baars (Henry) & Downing (Elisha) . . Bremen lumber and timber h Spring cor La Rua Palafox Wharf
Page 8. West Romana 10 households incl
Douglas Parker * gardener h Romana n Palafox .
Riera Albert . (Riera Bros.) h Romana n Baylen Palafox opp Pub sq (not listed in 1880 census, only Anthony's family); Riera Anthony . (Riera Bros.) h Romana n Baylen Palafox opp Pub sq Riera Bros. (Anthony and Albert) . billiards . Palafox opp Pub sq (up stairs) .
Ramirez Aniese * widow h Baylen n Intendencia . Mother Saline Savage
Burke Mary A. . widow in 1885 of Irish laborer Thomas Burke in 1880 census h west end Intendencia .
Hyer William K. . (Hyer Bros.) Father bavaria, mother bohemia, but he was born in Florida. h Wright cor Barcelona business at Zarragossa, 1st door from Palafox
Whiting Clara R. . widow of Virginia physician J.C. Whiting h Spring cor Jackson .
Whiting J. Thornton son bookkeeper b Spring cor Jackson .
Page 9. West Garden 6 households (Hargis, Bonifays)incl
Sarah and Juliet Hyer, J.C. Whiting's sisters-in-law
Knowles Peter, Whiting's brother-in-law, and a real estate agent
Thornton Henry H. . commission h Barcelona n Belmont . Laura Thornton, his mother, is deceased by 1885. She might have also been a sister of William K. Hyer, since she was born in Florida, had a Bavarian father and Bohemian mother.
Knowles Louis P. . President Merchants' Bank of Pensacola and Insurance and (Knowles Brothers) real estate agents h Barcelona n Belmont Government cor Palafox; Government near Palafox; also in household is Knowles William H. . Vice-President Merchants' Bank of Pensacola and (Knowles Bros.) h Belmont n Barcelona . In 1880, they are listed as nephews of JC Whiting. Louis is 31 and WH 28 in 1880.
Hyer Albert . (Hyer Bros.) h Belmont cor Barcelona Zarragossa, 1st door from Palafox
Abercrombie James E. . timber h Jackson cor Spring . Mother is Sarah Abercrombie in 1880 census. He is 26 in the census, with several siblings in the house.
Bonifay George . dry goods and gents' furnishing goods . Palafox n Romana .
Hargis RW - not listed with address in 1885
Putnam Royal . inspector custom house h Spring n Chase .
Page 10. West Garden 8 households incl
McGovern Edward . stevedore h Zarragossa n Barcelona .
Hendricks Dietrich . laborer h Barcelona n Zarragossa . Nellie Hendricks is listed as Edward McGovern's sister-in-law and is in his household in 1880.
Oliver Anais . widow of Portuguese pilot LA Oliver, who is age 37 in 1880 census, h Garden n Palafox . Her sister is M.S. Jackson. Probably 15 West Garden
James G. Gonzalez, age 40, is lister as his "brother" (brother is law, maybe?). Gonzalez James G. . policeman h Garden n Palafox .
Nephew is Willie Hall. hall William J. . clerk h Romana n Barcelona .
T Wentworth, painter from Prussia, is next - can't find him in 1885 directory.
McNeil General * laborer h Intendencia n Barcelona .
Harman Flay / Flavius * laborer h Main cor Alcaniz .
Davis Lee M. . Grocer (Johnson & Davis) . Palafox cor Intendencia .
Goldstucker Otto . liquors h Chase n Baylen 18 Palafox
Goldstucker (Otto) & Borelli (John S.) . . bar room and billiards . 20 Palafox .
Note: Here is the obit of James G. Gonzalez, who lived at 15 W. Garden in 1880:
Gonzalez, James G.
Dec 1838 - Mar 17, 1901
Daily News, Mon., Mar 18, 1901
James G. Gonzalez is Dead
Death has claimed another of Pensacola's aged citizens. James G. Gonzalez, a native of this city, a gallant Confederate soldier, has been called to his final reward. The funeral will take place from St. Joseph's church at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon. The cortege will leave the residence of Mrs. A. S. Oliver, 15 West Garden street at 4 o'clock. In his younger days, Mr. Gonzalez was employed as a ship carpenter at the Pensacola navy yard and he had held many places of honor and trust in this city. He was a gallant Confederate soldier, having been shot through the lung in the service of his country, his health having been broken by the injury, leaving him but a wreck of his former giant strength. He leaves many loving relatives to mourn his demise and every man who knew him was his friend. He had passed the three score mark in life's journey and it was always a rare treat to hear him talk of the Pensacola of long ago.
Page 11. West Chase Street 7 households (Gonzalez families) incl
Goldstuker Adolph . leather and shoe findings h Baylen c Chase Palafox n Main
Grant Alexander . captain h Chase cor Spring .
92 Gonzalez Peter age 70 and Wife Gila/Eulalie age 64 (he's missing in 1885 directory); He died March 11, 1881. She died 8 months later on Nov. 21, 1881. They are buried in St. Michael's Cemetery.
Kuester Paul F., age 30 in 1880, a bookkeeper h Gregory bey De Villiers in 1885 and married to Emily, Peter's daughter, and their son Leo are in this first household.
93 Gonzalez Samuel J. . (Peter's son) grocer h Gregory cor De Villiers Business: Gregory cor Barcelona Wife Florence and their son Albert are in this household.
94 Gonzalez, J.B. wife Emilia and children Winters, Gila, Blake and Erick.
Note: Son Blake lived at 214 N. DeVilliers when he died in 1952.
95. Gonzalez C.H., wife S.J., son C.H. Jr., son Gamaliel F. and daughter Mary E. This could be Celestino.
96. Gonzalez Mannie F. . miller h De Villiers cor Wright . Peter's son lived at 226 N. DeVilliers when he died in 1907 - see obit at end of this section. M.F. Gonzalez married Kate Chapman. In 1880, he had William, Viva, Blanche and Kate in the household.
97. Gonzalex Lambert and Laura, plus toddlers Stella and Marie.
Gonzalez, Manuel F.
Dec 18, 1839 - Mar 6, 1907
#1 Pensacola Journal, Thurs, Mar 7, 1907
Prominent Citizen Has Passed to Great Beyond. M. F. Gonzalez Dies at Home After a Lingering Illness. Had Been In Ill Health For A Year Or More, But Taken Seriously Ill About A Week Ago - Funeral Will Occur To-Morrow Morning.
M. F. Gonzalez, one of the oldest most popular and successful business men of the city, died yesterday morning at 9:45 o'clock at the family home, No. 226 North De Villier street. He had been in ill health about a year or since he suffered an attack of pneumonia, from which he never fully recovered, but his condition did not become serious until about a week since. The deceased had many friends in Pensacola. While his charities were unknown to the public in general he assisted in a quiet and assuming manner many of the poor families of the city. He always had a kind word for the needy and no worthy person ever asked for assistance from him, but they met with a ready response. He was a devout Christian, and always attended services at St. Michael's church. Mr. Gonzalez was born in Pensacola and spent most of his life of 69 years in this city. He became prominent in business circles many years ago, and throughout his life held the confidence and esteem of the entire public. He was a member of one of the oldest and most prominent families of the city, and leaves many relatives and friends to mourn his death. His sons are Chapman, William R., Charlie F. and Dixon B. Gonzalez, and daughters Mrs. Wm. D. Greenwood of Mobile; Mrs. Harry Sheppard and Mrs. W. D. Howe, of this city. He also leaves a number of brothers and sisters, as follows: Blake J., Celestino H., Lambert X., Samuel J., and O. A. Gonzalez, Mrs. Mary Louise Kendrick, of Baldwin county, Ala.; Mrs. Eulalie Bobe, Mrs. Emil Kuester, of this city, and Mrs. Merced D. Greenwood, of Bohemia.
The remains of the deceased will be placed at rest to-morrow morning, the funeral cortege leaving the family home at 9 o'clock and proceeding to St. Michael's church, where requiem mass will be said. The remains will be placed at rest in the family plot in St. Michael's cemetery. The following personal friends of the deceased will act as pall bearers and are requested to meet at the family home at 8:30 a.m.; W. K. Hyer, Jr., Wm. H. Knowles, F. C. Brent, W. A. Blount, Geo. W. Wright & Jas. McVoy, the latter of Cantonment.
#2 Pensacola Journal, Sat., Mar 9, 1907
Funeral of M. F. Gonzalez. Many Were Present to Pay Their Last Sad Tribute of Respect to Deceased.
The remains of M. F. Gonzalez, one of the most widely known and highly respected citizens of Pensacola, were placed at rest yesterday morning in the family burying ground in St. Michael's cemetery. The funeral services were conducted at St. Michael's church, where requiem mass, was said. The spacious church was filled with the hundreds of friends of the deceased , who listened to the eulogy upon the life of the deceased delivered by Rev. Father Fullerton. When the funeral cortege moved to the cemetery many followed the remains to the last resting place, and the floral offerings were many and beautiful. Many in Pensacola regret the death of Mr. Gonzalez, who was an exemplary citizen and a man who during his entire life lived a true Christian life.
Page 12. West Chase Street 11 households (incl James N. Moreno, Dorrs of 323 West Gregory St)
98 Moreno James and wife Clara (nee Dorr), plus sons Edwin, Scarrett and Mansfield, plus daughters Ruth and Violet. Also in the house at 323 West Gregory St. is Sarah Dorr, mother-in-law.
99. S.Z. Gonzalez with H.A., his wife. They live next door at 313 West Gregory.
100. Putnam E.H. Edward), retired merchant wife F.N. and 19-year-old son R.H., a printer. A Pensacola map shows he had a dairy at 401 West Gregory, at the corner of Reus. Called Gulf City Dairy.
101. Ahrens Robert, a shoemaker, and Josephine, his wife. Plus 5 kids and her mother, Emma Laus (?).
102. Gonzalez James, a retired merchant, age 65, and wife Fannie living with nephew Gregory Yniestra (age 10, son of sister Eulalie and Peter.) If he is actually S.J. Gonzalez, then he's a grocer living on Gregory corner De Villiers with grocery on Gregory corner Barcelona
103 Plummer Solomon, wife Sarah and daughters Roxanna and Sarah Ann.
104 Plummer Alex, son of Solomon, wife Mary and their two children Mary A. and James Thomas. The 1885 directory has this:
Plummer Solomon * laborer h Gadsden n Reus . (moved)
Plummer William * machinist h Reus n Gregory .
105 Weatherford Henry, * laborer / line rep, with wife Louisa and 6 kids. Home in 1885 listed at Spring near Gregory
106 Townsend Scott * wife Lucy son William 1885: laborer h Belmont n Reus .
107 Milton Thad, * shoemaker, wife Elizabeth, children Caroline and Warran. 1885: Milton Thaddeus h Reus c La Rua .
108 Judge Anthony * wife Maria laborer h Gregory bey Coyle .
Page 13. Wright Street (West Gregory skipped over?) 8 households
108 Gibson Benj * and Melissa family; 4 kids and father Jack Gibson
109 Wright George W and M.E. family; 7 children, mother in law W.B. Baglery, 1885: Wright George W. . manufacturer and shipper of yellow pine and cypress lumber and timber, and cypress shingles and laths h Baylen c Gregory east end Intendencia and foot 10th ave
110 Sullivan M.H., wife Kate, 4 kids. 1885: Sullivan Martin H. . Pres. First National Bank, timber and lumber h Gregory c Baylen Sullivan's Wharf
111 Avery O.M., judge county court, wife M.E. and daughter Annie 1885: Avery Martha E., Mrs. . . h Baylen cor Gadsden .
112 Ruby V, wife Merced, 5 kids, one grandson Ruby 1885: Ruby Valarie * grocer h Romana c Baylen business Romana c Baylen
113 Hafler Charles, wife Missouri, 5 kids. Hotel keeper, not in 1885 directory
114 Epping Carl C. age 60, wife S.E., son J.E., his wife and child, 2 other sons C.A. and J.A. Timber merchant - not in 1885 directory.
Page 14. Wright Street (not written) 12 households
115 De la Rua, John, age 37 wife Mattie kids Elwood and Philo. De la Rua John . Deputy Co. Clerk h Gregory n Tarragona . De la Rua Filomeno E. . Clerk Escambia Co. Circuit Court h Gregory n Tarragona Court House
116 Strout Albion wife Addie daughter Irene E.
117 Tarble J.M. wife Sarah A and son Jno E 1885: Tarble John M. . collector of customs h Belmont n Palafox Palafox cor Government
118 Shepard James, wife Christina, sons Charles, John, Eddie dau Annie and Lavonia 1885: Sheppard James . engineer h Gregory cor Reus
119 D'Alemberte A.H., age 22, wife C.A., age 20, 1885: D'Alemberte Arthur H. . dry goods h Gregory n De Villiers
120 Benjamin M. wife Ida son Anderson, one other son?, mother Emily
121 Lucas Nassau, wife Elizabeth, 4 kids
122 Gaskins Frank, wife Emeline dau Emma and Melanie? 1885: Gaskins Caroline * widow h De Villiers cor La Rua .
123 Burton S, wife Rhoda, 3 sons and nephew William
124 Seikauf U. wife Mary dau Lizzie
125 Hill Chas wife Virginia, dau Julia, dau Bella McNair and 2 grandsons 1885: Hill Charles * carpenter h Gregory n Coyle .
TO BE CONTINUED if for some reason a lot of people ask for more! Obviously, these are not all Wright Street.
15. Wright Street (not written) 14 households
16. Wright Street (not written) 9 households Thomas Sunday (lived at Coyle and Wright)
17. Wright Street (not written) 11 households
18. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
19. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
20. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
21. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
22. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
23. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
24. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
25. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
26. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
27. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
28. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
29. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
30. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
31. Wright Street (not written) 10 households
32. Wright Street (not written) 10 households